Residential Roof Cleaning & Washing in Baltimore, Maryland


You can extend the life of your roof with our routine washing service to remove moss, algae, mildew and lichens, which destroy the integrity of the shingles. We safely access your roof with ladders and gently wash each shingle with a thorough process. Black streaks and dark spots will be removed. In the event we identify any issues or concerns about your roof we will report them to you immediately.


Roof Pre-Inspection

Our technician inspects the roof to determine if it is a candidate for cleaning, to identify types of growth on roof, and surfaces needing treatment.

Gutter Pre-Inspection

Our technician inspects all guttering for clogs and proper flow.

Gutter Debris Removal

All debris is removed from gutter by hand.

Roof Debris Removal

All loose debris is removed from roof surfaces. Removing loose debris is one of the most critical steps in the cleaning process.

Protecting Landscaping/Preparing Work Area

Any vegetation that can be moved (Planter Boxes, Hanging Baskets, Etc.) will be taken down, and moved away from work area.

Any other removable items (Furniture, Flags, Decorations, Etc.) will be moved away from work area.

Our technician places protective covers on the downspouts to catch any additional solution runoff.

The ground technician sprays non-movable vegetation with water ensuring that any overspray has no ability to stick, and is quickly rinsed off. Spraying will continue through the entire solution application process.

Anti-Bacterial Solution Mixed

The cleaning agents that make up our roof cleaning solution are combined on site. This ensures the proper mix of roof solution is applied to your home and is the freshest available.

Solution Applied to Roof

The freshly mixed solution is applied to affected areas of roof. Moss & Lichen typically require a second coat of solution that will be applied during the same visit.

Replace Furniture, Decorations, Movable Vegetation, etc.

Our technicians will replace all moved items (Plants, Furniture, Decoration, Etc.) back into their original location.

Site Clean Up

All debris from gutters is bagged and taken off site for disposal.

Any loose roof debris is bagged and taken off site for disposal.

Protective covers from the downspouts are removed and secured. The extra solution is taken off site for disposal.

Post Cleaning Inspection

Our technician will walk around the roof and explain expected results and follow up procedures that will occur.

Roof Washing/Cleaning Service Follow Up

12 weeks following the initial treatment, our technician will return to ensure that all treated roof surfaces are progressing as promised.

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A lot of companies over-promise and under-deliver, but not us!

We have made it our mission to deliver the most amazing customer experience ever! It’s a bold statement, but we have the character, experience, processes and guarantees to back it up! It’s important to us that you are treated with respect and delighted with every aspect of our work.

Some of our recent job locations include:

Abingdon, Towson, Timonium, Baltimore, Bel Air, Ellicott City, Pikesville, Randallstown, and Reisterstown.

Give us a call to schedule your free quote at 800-858-6208 or request one online. You will not recognize your property when we’re done making it shine!


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