Our commercial building power washing services & more ensure you're always impressing customers.
At Pristine Inc., we are your trusted partner for superior commercial cleaning services in Abingdon, MD, and surrounding areas. Our experienced team is dedicated to maintaining the cleanliness and professionalism of your commercial spaces. We offer a comprehensive range of services to cater to all your commercial cleaning needs. From thorough commercial carpet cleaning to ensure a fresh and inviting environment, to expert commercial power washing to remove tough dirt and grime from various surfaces.
Our Maryland commercial cleaning services extend to academic campuses and government buildings, ensuring a hygienic and presentable atmosphere for staff and visitors alike. As part of our commitment to health and safety, we also provide sanitization and anti-microbial services to keep your premises safe and germ-free. With recent job locations spanning Abingdon, Towson, Timonium, Baltimore, Bel Air, Ellicott City, Pikesville, Randallstown, and Reisterstown, you can trust Keep It Pristine to deliver exceptional results for your commercial cleaning needs.
If you manage a business, commercial property, campus, or apartment complex, you understand just how important it is to keep your customers and residents happy. That’s where our commercial cleaning services in Maryland can be of huge value!
Maryland Commercial Cleaning Services for Offices, Businesses and Properties
Our commercial cleaning services help us partner with you to ensure that your property is cleaned regularly without interrupting normal business, vehicle and foot traffic. You will get plenty of positive comments about your property’s cleanliness. In fact, your patrons will be impressed with your consistently clean space!
We serve the greater Baltimore, MD area and York County, PA with commercial cleaning service including pressure washing, surface cleaning, carpet cleaning, window washing, building washing, and roof/canopy/overhang washing. We will help you determine a convenient schedule for routine cleaning so you never have to think or worry about it.

Over time, mold, algae and calcium can build up on your siding and walls. High pressure washing can damage your home so at Pristine we utilize a low-pressure wall commercial building power washing services system that restores these surfaces back to their original state. Vinyl to wood and brick to cinder block, we will clean these surfaces with the best cleaning and rinse techniques appropriate for each surface.
Building Pre-Inspection
Our technician inspects all sides of the building to determine appropriate procedures to utilize.
Prepare Work Area
Any vegetation that can be moved (Planter Boxes, Hanging Baskets, Etc.) will be taken down, and moved away from work area.
Any other removable items (Furniture, Flags, Decorations, Etc.) will be moved away from work area.
Anti-Bacterial Solution Mixed
The cleaning agents that make up our building cleaning solution are combined on site. This ensures the proper mix of solution is applied to your home and is the freshest available.
Permanent Vegetation Protected
Our technician rinses vegetation on one side of the building that could come into contact with overspray. This ensures that any overspray does not stick to the vegetation.
Anti-Bacterial Solution Applied
The freshly mixed solution is applied to one side of the building. The north facing side of the building typically requires a second coat, which will be applied during the same visit.
Large Debris Removed
Our technician removes bees/wasp nests, birds nests, and other large debris from one side of the building
Anti-Bacterial Solution Rinsed
The technician then rinses the solution and remaining debris from the side of the building until it is free of mold, mildew, algae and debris.
Permanent Vegetation Rinse
The permanent vegetation on the side of the building is rinsed again. This ensures that any overspray is not left behind.
Steps 4 – 8 are repeated on each remaining side of the building.
Site Clean Up
Any large debris that was removed from the building is cleaned up and taken off site for disposal.
Replace Furniture, Decorations, Movable Vegetation, etc.
Our technicians will replace all moved items (Plants, Furniture, Decoration, Etc.) back into their original location.
Post Cleaning Inspection
Our technician will walk around the building and explain expected results and follow up procedures that will occur.

Using the latest in Surface Cleaning technology, we remove years of build up from your patio, sidewalk or any other flat surface. We clean it quickly and efficiently so that you can get back to enjoying your property quicker. Our 10-Step surface cleaning process ensures the appropriate technique and chemical mixture is applied to the surface. Our commercial building power washing services allow our team to conduct a thorough deep clean, rinse, replace furniture and plants and clean up the site quickly for your usage.
Surface Pre-Inspection
Our technician inspects the surfaces to determine proper solution and procedure for cleaning.
Preparing Work Area
Any vegetation that can be moved (Planter Boxes, Flower Pots, Etc.) will be moved away from work area.
Any other removable items (Furniture, Umbrellas, Decorations, Etc.) will be moved away from work area.
Loose Debris Removal
Our technician removes all loose debris from surface with a blower. This is one of the most important steps in the cleaning process.
Anti-Bacterial Solution Mixed
The cleaning agents that make up our surface cleaning solution are combined on site. This ensures that the proper mix and solution is applied to the surface that is being cleaned. This also ensures that the solution used is the freshest possible.
Anti-Bacterial Solution Applied to Surface
The freshly mixed solution is applied to all surfaces in a given area. Deep stains may require a second application that will be applied during the same visit.
Our technician will also apply surface cleaning solution to any railings, steps, or planter walls in a given area.
Deep Clean
Our technician will use the proper tools and pressure to deep clean any porous materials (Concrete, Pavers, Asphalt, Etc.).
For softer materials (Composite & Wood) this step is skipped as it can damage those types of surfaces.
Surface Rinse
The technician will rinse all surface cleaning solution and debris from surfaces in a given area.
Our technician will rinse surface cleaning solution and debris from any railings, steps, or planter walls in a given area.
Replace Furniture, Decorations, Movable Vegetation, etc.
Our technicians will replace all moved items (Plants, Furniture, Decoration, Etc.) back into their original location.
Site Clean Up
All major debris will be collected and taken off site for disposal.
Post Cleaning Inspection
Our technician will walk the surface (with the client when available) and ensure all work is to Pristine quality. We will discuss expected results and follow up procedures that will occur.

Carpet Cleaning is both an art and a science. Pristine has combined all the latest cleaning processes and technologies with an exceptional focus on training to produce results that wow your customers every time. Pristine will treat old and new staining while restoring a luster that your carpets have not seen since they were first installed...all while adding a pleasant clean smell. Our 12-Step carpet cleaning process ensures the appropriate technique and chemical mixture is applied to the carpet. We will conduct a thorough deep clean and quickly return your business to full operation.
Your technician inspects the carpet to determine proper solution and procedure for cleaning, as well as checking for any damage or staining.
Preparing Work Area
Any Large furniture will be protected with slides or tabs. All piling or fraying that is present on the carpet will be addressed and or removed before continuing in order to protect the life and quality of the carpet.
Vacuum Loose Debris
Your technician removes all loose debris from surface using a commercial grade vacuum cleaner. This is one of the most important steps in the cleaning process.
Your technician will assess and treat any pre-existing staining as well as carpet edges prone to attracting staining. Any necessary additives or agitation will be applied in advance of the Pre-Spray.
Based on the quality and cleanliness of the carpet, the appropriate solution is mixed and applied. Your technician will coat the entire carpet to dissolve dirt, odor and stains.
Your technician will either manually or mechanically agitate the carpet. This works the solution into the carpet backing as well as relaxes the carpet fibers to produce a more consistent and quality cleaning.
The extraction proccess is what most people think of when they are talking about carpet cleaning. Your technician applies both heated water and suction to loosen and extract the dirt, staining, and chemical located within the carpet. This step also involve neutralizing the pH of the carpet to guarantee a softer feel to the carpet when dry.
Restore pH
If the standard extraction proccess does not restore the natural pH of the carpet, another proccess is employed to bring the pH back into acceptable parameters. This is often necessary with wool and other natural fibers that have a lower average pH.
Post Spot Treatment
Any stains not removed by the carpet cleaning proccess up to this point will be treated with a longer acting formula to continue to lighten the stain over time and improve the appearance of the carpet.
Post Grooming
As needed the carpet is treated, agitated, or vacuumed again in order to provide the best possible freshly cleaned appearance of your carpet. Since we use less water to clean your carpets, dry time is hours instead of days. If drying time is even more urgent, we can utilize a speed drying proccess and apply floor fans to your project to expedite the proccess.
Dry or Speed Dry
Since less water is used to clean your carpets, dry time is hours instead of days. If drying time is even more urgent, we can utilize a speed drying proccess and apply floor fans to your project to expedite the proccess.
Post Cleaning Inspection
Your technician will walk the project (with you, the client, when available) and ensure all work is to Pristine quality. We will discuss expected results and follow up procedures that will occur.

Dirty Windows? Pristine Inc. has you covered. Inside and out. Top to bottom. You will not find a more spot free, streak free solution to dirty windows. We utilize the latest technology to prevent streaking and time honored tradition and workmanship to guarantee your satisfaction. We also offer window cleaning services in Baltimore, Maryland.
Initial Consultation
Upon arrival, our Maryland technicians will greet you and discuss standard procedures. Any specific details, such as tinted windows, obstacles, time constraints, or pets, will be addressed to ensure efficient work with minimal disruption.
Gear Up
Technicians will gather all necessary tools and materials required for cleaning the interior windows. This includes protective booties to prevent dirt and debris from entering the building.
Interior Cleaning – Prepare Work Area
Technicians will clear any large objects from around the windows and lift any blinds that are down to expose the windows.
Interior Cleaning – Screen Removal
If there are screens present, they will be carefully removed, cleaned of any debris, and labeled before being placed upside down near room entrances.
Interior Cleaning – Removable Grilles, Sills & Tracks
Removable grilles will be cleaned with our window cleaning solution, then carefully removed and placed near the windows to avoid accidental breakage. Sills and tracks will be detailed using a microfiber towel and our cleaning solution. Windows will be closed and locked after cleaning.
Interior Cleaning – Glass & Frame
Windows will be washed using industry-standard “Mop & Squeegee” techniques. Frames will be wiped down with our cleaning solution and a blue towel. Technicians will use a scrim to detail the glass edges, ensuring a streak-free finish. Removable grilles will be replaced after cleaning. This process will be repeated for each window, with technicians working systematically through all interior units.
Screen Cleaning
Screens will be taken outside and cleaned using our specialized screen washing system. They will be stacked to air dry before being returned indoors.
Exterior Cleaning
Technicians will meticulously clean all parts of the exterior windows (frames, tracks, glass) starting from upper floors and working downward. Pure Water and Water Fed Poles will be used for safe and effective service.
Screen, Blind, & Furniture Replacement
Cleaned screens will be returned to their original positions. Blinds and any moved objects will also be restored to their original places.
Site Clean-Up
All tools and materials will be taken out of the building, and put away.
Post Cleaning Inspection
A technician will conduct a final walk-around to ensure all rooms are returned to their original condition. They will explain expected results and any follow-up procedures necessary.

Mold, algae, and bacteria take years off the life of your canopy and roof surfaces, reduce the value of your property, and put an unsightly blemish on the appearance of your building. Roof washing can kill growth and restore luster to your roof. If you have a canopy or overhang on your property, we have appropriate equipment to wash these surfaces.
Roof Pre-Inspection
Our technician inspects the roof to determine if it is a candidate for cleaning, to identify types of growth on roof, and surfaces needing treatment.
Gutter Pre-Inspection
Our technician inspects all guttering for clogs and proper flow.
Gutter Debris Removal
All debris is removed from gutter by hand.
Roof Debris Removal
All loose debris is removed from roof surfaces. Removing loose debris is one of the most critical steps in the cleaning process.
Protecting Landscaping/Preparing Work Area
Any vegetation that can be moved (Planter Boxes, Hanging Baskets, Etc.) will be taken down, and moved away from work area.
Any other removable items (Furniture, Flags, Decorations, Etc.) will be moved away from work area.
Our technician places protective covers on the downspouts to catch any additional solution runoff.
The ground technician sprays non-movable vegetation with water ensuring that any overspray has no ability to stick, and is quickly rinsed off. Spraying will continue through the entire solution application process.
Anti-Bacterial Solution Mixed
The cleaning agents that make up our roof cleaning solution are combined on site. This ensures the proper mix of roof solution is applied to your home and is the freshest available.
Solution Applied to Roof
The freshly mixed solution is applied to affected areas of roof. Moss & Lichen typically require a second coat of solution that will be applied during the same visit.
Replace Furniture, Decorations, Movable Vegetation, etc.
Our technicians will replace all moved items (Plants, Furniture, Decoration, Etc.) back into their original location.
Site Clean Up
All debris from gutters is bagged and taken off site for disposal.
Any loose roof debris is bagged and taken off site for disposal.
Protective covers from the downspouts are removed and secured. The extra solution is taken off site for disposal.
Post Cleaning Inspection
Our technician will walk around the roof and explain expected results and follow up procedures that will occur.
Roof Cleaning Follow Up
12 weeks following the initial treatment, our technician will return to ensure that all treated roof surfaces are progressing as promised.
Have questions about commercial building power washing services, window cleaning services in Maryland, or any of our other commercial cleaning services?
We understand that finding the right commercial cleaning company is an important decision for your business. Give us a call and we’d be happy to answer any questions you have in deal. We’ll also conduct a site visit to meet with you, review your property and offer any recommendations. Our Frequently Asked Questions page is also very helpful!
Schedule your free quote!
A lot of companies over-promise and under-deliver, but not us!
We have made it our mission to deliver the most amazing customer experience ever! It’s a bold statement, but we have the character, experience, processes and guarantees to back it up! It’s important to us that you are treated with respect and delighted with every aspect of our work.
Some of our recent job locations include:
Abingdon, Towson, Timonium, Baltimore, Bel Air, Ellicott City, Pikesville, Randallstown, and Reisterstown.
Give us a call to schedule your free quote at 800-858-6208 or request one online. You will not recognize your property when we’re done making it shine!
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